Proteinfabrikken 336266

NO Noruega
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Proteinfabrikken owns and runs the e-commerce platform and is a part of Orkla ASA. Within the Nordics, is one of the largest and leading e-commerce platforms for sports supplements, training clothes and training equipment. Since 1996, our ambition has been to make the obvious choice for both regular exercisers and elite athletes who want products of the highest quality. is certified by Trygg e-handel and has free shipping over SEK 499, free returns and offers price guarantees.

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Comisiones del segmento general

5,00 %
  • Códigos descuento
  • Creatividades
  • Enlaces de texto
  • HTML personalizado
  • Enlace profundo
Periodo de cookies
10 días
Política de palabras clave
EPC medio
0,64 NOK
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Instructions regarding affiliate collaborations with


  1. Preamble

These terms and instructions (the “Instructions”) are applicable and binding for persons who is or becomes an affiliate (the “Affiliate” or “you/your”) for Health and Sports Nutrition Group HSNG AB (“Proteinfabrikken” or “we/us/our”) through the affiliate network provided by Tradedoubler AB (“Tradedoubler”). The Instructions regulate your and our rights and obligations arising from our affiliate collaboration in order to enable such collaboration and its continuation. These Instructions are directly and automatically applicable upon your acceptance of Tradedoubler’s Publisher Agreement, and your acceptance of your affiliate assignment for Proteinfabrikken, and remains in force for the entire duration of or affiliate collaboration. Therefore, we encourage you to closely read these Instructions before you accept any affiliate assignment for Proteinfabrikken.


  1. About Us

Proteinfabrikken owns and runs the e-commerce platform and is a part of Orkla ASA. Within the Nordics, is one of the largest and leading e-commerce platforms for sports supplements, training clothes and training equipment. Since 1996, our ambition has been to make the obvious choice for both regular exercisers and elite athletes who want products of the highest quality. is certified by Trygg e-handel and has free shipping over SEK 499, free returns and offers price guarantees.


Why become an affiliate for


  • Fair commissions – you have the possibility of earning between 5-11% commission on all sales generated through and linkable to your channels.
  • High conversion rates – we have strong brand recognition, frequent campaigns, fast sites and best in class customer support.
  • Broad target group – we have a wide and market leading assortment of products consisting of approximately 10 000 products, suitable for regular exercisers and elite athletes.
  • Tailored affiliate deals – we are open to taking our collaborations to the next level with our most dedicated affiliates.
  • A safe business partner – we guarantee timely payment of commissions, regular communication, updated and relevant marketing materials and quick approvals of sales. All this while having a dedicated and experienced affiliate team available at your disposal.
  • Wide-ranging sources of inspiration – we have accumulated several years' worth of ready-to-use material in the form of articles and recipes which you can use as inspiration for your marketing. You can find these here.


  1. Commissions and Commission Levels

Proteinfabrikken applies a commission-based remuneration model for Affiliates which are divided into three levels. Remuneration through commissions is excluding VAT, other service fees and any applicable consumer discounts and is paid per completed transaction (“completed order transaction”). Please note that the average value of a completed order transaction is estimated to approximately SEK 700. Below is our regular commission model.


Level 1: General – 5% commission (1 – 4 completed order transactions/month):

For each completed order transaction on that you have mediated via your channels, you will receive 5% of the value of the completed order transaction (i.e. the purchase price) as remuneration.


Level 2: Silver – 8% commission (5 -11 completed order transactions/month):

If you mediate more than four (4) completed order transactions on during one month, you are entitled to remuneration amounting to 8% of the value of completed order transactions five (5) to eleven (11).


Level 3: Gold – 11% commission (12 or more completed order transactions/month):

For each completed order transaction that you mediate on after the first eleven (11) completed order transactions, you are entitled to compensation amounting to 11% of the value of the completed order transactions.


Rewards and Cashback:

Proteinfabrikken also works from time to time with selected affiliates who drive traffic using so-called incentive-driven marketing. Please contact if you which to receive more information regarding this.


We reserve the right to reject and invalidate the completed order transactions that have been generated through your intermediary, and thus also have the right to withhold all or part of your commission if (i) the completed order transaction is canceled, (ii) the completed order transaction is returned, (iii) the completed order transaction cannot be executed due to rejection in a credit check, (iv) you have violated these Instructions, your agreement with Tradedoubler and/or in any way acted fraudulently, or (v) the completed order transaction has been made by Proteinfabrikken's sponsored athletes or as a result of internal test orders.


We further reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to adjust our regular commission model above from time to time by updating these Instructions, and to offer you an individual and personalized commission model agreed upon separately.


  1. Rules and Instructions

In your capacity of an Affiliate for Proteinfabrikken, you undertake the full and ultimate responsibility to be a good role model at all times by acting ethically and morally and in accordance with applicable laws in your region, including good marketing practices, industry standards and industry guidelines such as the International Chamber of Commerce’s Advertising and Marketing Communication Code, these Instructions, Tradedoubler’s Publisher Agreement, and such terms that are applicable retaining to any and all applicable and used social media platforms on which you carry out and publish your affiliate marketing. You further undertake not to act in such a way that may be detrimental or harmful to Proteinfabrikken's reputation, brand, goodwill and reputation, this includes complying with the rules on ad marking which you can read more about in the following.



Marking of advertisement:

According to applicable laws, it is necessary that all marketing and advertising is designed and presented in such a way that it is clear to the consumer that the presented material is in fact marketing. This applies regardless of the medium and is thus also applicable to marketing on social media and in paid advertising space on e.g. Google. Furthermore, on social media, commercial material in the form of marketing and editorial material are naturally mixed together, which means that the average consumer may experience difficulties in identifying marketing as such.


As a result of the above, it is therefore necessary and legally required that you always clearly disclose and inform about any financial, personal, family, employment, contractual or similar relationship between you and Proteinfabrikken that may be relevant to the average consumer's ability to make an informed and well-balanced purchase decision regarding the product or brand advertised by you.


How the relationship between you and Proteinfabrikken needs to be communicated depends on the medium in which the marketing takes place. As a general rule, however, the advertising mark must be clear and prominent. This includes that the advertising mark should contain an advertising identifying aspect (e.g. through the use of wording such as "#Advertising" on social media) as well as a clear indication that Proteinfabrikken is the responsible sender of the advertising (e.g. through the use of wording such as "This post contains advertising through ad links for and is done in paid collaboration" on social media). The advertising tag should also be the first thing that the recipient of the advertisement sees and should therefore be first or at the top of the advertising post.


Advertising markings should always and at least be made in the same format in which the marketing is presented (e.g. if the marketing is made audio-visually and in text, the advertising markings should also be made audio-visually and in text). Social media platforms usually have integrated branded content tagging functionalities and should be used in parallel with the above-mentioned advertising tagging procedure where appropriate.


Please note however that the use of social media platforms' integrated functions for advertising markings alone and in itself does not constitute a sufficiently clear advertising marking according to applicable law. Furthermore, the advertising marking must be designed so that it is in clear contrast with the background of the material (i.e. contrasting the color of the post or the sound of the video).


As further guidance, we recommend and encourage that you read the guidance and guidelines compiled by your regional supervisory authority.


For guidelines compiled by the Swedish Reklamombudsmannen, click here.


For guidelines compiled by the Norwegian Forbrukertilsynet, click here.


For guidelines compiled by the Danish Forbrugerombudsmannen, click here.


For guidelines complied by the Finnish Kilpailu- ja kuluttajavirasto, click here.


It is always your responsibility and obligation to ensure that the advertising that you publish on behalf of Proteinfabrikken as a result of our affiliate collaboration complies with applicable legislation and is correctly marked and labeled.



Comparative advertising, i.e. when Proteinfabrikken and its brands are compared to a competitor or a competitor's brands, can often constitute unfair marketing. Therefore, Affiliates are prohibited from using comparative advertising without first obtaining Proteinfabrikken's prior written consent via email to


Banners and links:

We provide several different banners that you can use within the framework of our affiliate collaboration, and these should be used as a general rule. You may, after receiving Proteinfabrikken's written approval, create and use your own graphics. Requests are made by e-mail to


When using text links, you should always use Tradedoubler's tool to create correct deep links that point directly to the product page for the product you are writing about or referring to.



After obtaining Proteinfabrikken's prior written consent, you may use and our products in your newsletters. Requests are made by e-mail to


Discount codes:

Proteinfabrikken works with selected discount code sites, and Affiliates may use discount codes that Proteinfabrikken communicates via Tradedoubler's newsletter from time to time. Affiliates are not entitled to use discount codes or offers that Proteinfabrikken distributes directly to its members or other partners. It is also not permitted to advertise offers that are unique to Proteinfabrikken's members. Proteinfabrikken does not pay out commissions to Affiliates for completed order transactions generated through the usage of such discount codes.


The index text on all search engines must always be accurate and updated based on current and existing offers. Affiliates are only allowed to expose discount codes that are communicated via Tradedoubler's newsletter, if this is not complied with, Proteinfabrikken may choose to terminate our affiliate collaboration.


  1. Intellectual Property Rights

Proteinfabrikken owns all of its intellectual property rights and will not assign, cede or otherwise transfer its intellectual property rights to you as an Affiliate. However, you have a non-exclusive right to use Proteinfabrikken's trademarks within the scope and during the course of our affiliate collaboration in order to perform your obligations under these Instructions.


  1. Confidentiality

The Affiliate undertakes to treat these Instructions as strictly confidential during and after the affiliate collaboration, without any limit in time.


  1. Liability and Indemnity

The defaulting party is liable for all direct and indirect damages without further limitation that arise for the injured party due to the defaulting party's material breach of these Instructions and shall indemnify the injured party of all such damages. A material breach of these Instructions is always, but not limited to, a breach of sections 4 - 7 herein.



Proteinfabrikken has a restrictive and closed keyword policy on Google and other search engine services. This means that you as an Affiliate may not use keyword advertising to convey or drive sales of Proteinfabrikken's goods or brand on Google, among others. This applies to all keywords, i.e. both brand-related and generic words.