Dyson (SK) 344648

Dyson (SK)
Dyson (SK)
SK Eslovaquia
Informática y electrónica
Fecha de inicio
Página web

Breve descripción

At Dyson we are focused on solving the problems that others have ignored; solving them first using our technology and ingenuity. In order to achieve this we need to pioneer technologies that are different and authentic. This is the core of what we do and who we are. We must strive to create the future, every single day by developing new things, different things, things that go against the grain with a diverse and global team of ingenious minds.

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Comisiones del segmento general

Claims UTS
4,00 %
4,00 %
  • Códigos descuento
  • Creatividades
  • Enlaces de texto
  • HTML personalizado
  • Enlace profundo
Periodo de cookies
30 días
Política de palabras clave
EPC medio
12,62 €
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Description of the program

Program name: Dyson
Program ID: 344648
Product: Sklep z elektronikou
Advertiser site: https://dyson.sk/
Model: CPS

Description of the validation

The program has a pending period of 35 days.
The validity period of the post click cookie is 30 days.

Program má čakaciu lehotu 35 dní.
Platnosť súboru cookie po kliknutí je 30 dní.

Restrictions on the program

1. Publisher categories who won't be accepted: CSS, retargeting
2. The publisher may not independently rework advertising creatives and may not use creatives that are not in the Tradedoubler system.
Keyword Policy: closed, total ban on google adwords activities. Failure to comply with restrictions will result in suspension from the program and removal of commissions.

1. Kategórie vydavateľov, ktoré nebudú akceptované: CSS, retargeting
2.Vydavateľ nesmie samostatne prepracovať reklamné kreatívy a nesmie používať kreatívy, ktoré nie sú v systéme Tradedoubler.
Keyword Policy:uzavreté, úplný zákaz Google AdWords. Nedodržanie obmedzení bude mať za následok pozastavenie účasti v programe a odobratie provízií.