Bonprix CH 346343

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Breve descripción

Willkommen beim - Partnerprogramm Verdiene Geld mit deiner Webseite, ganz einfach mit dem bonprix Affiliate-Programm. bonprix ist ein internationales Modeunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Hamburg. Wir sind bekannt dafür, die neuesten Trends aufzugreifen und sie in inspirierende Mode für verschiedene Anlässe, in vielen verschiedenen Stilen und Größen zu übersetzen. In Deutschland zählt bonprix zu den größten Fashion-Onlineshops und auch international sind wir sehr erfolgreich.

Welcome to the partner program Earn money easily with your website through the bonprix affiliate program. bonprix is an international fashion company based in Hamburg, Germany. We are known for capturing the latest trends and translating them into inspiring fashion for different occasions, in many different styles and sizes.

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Comisiones del segmento general

Sale UJ step
7,00 %
  • Códigos descuento
  • Creatividades
  • Enlaces de texto
  • HTML personalizado
  • Enlace profundo
Condiciones de publicación


  • Comparadores de precio
  • Recompensa
  • Vertical especializado
  • Cashback/Loyalty
  • Cupones/descuentos - códigos/rebajas
  • Aplicación móvil/ escritorio
  • Red Mobile
  • Offline

caso por caso

  • Buscadores
  • Email
  • Video
  • SMS y mensajería móvil
  • Redes sociales
  • Third party techno
  • Display


  • Portales especializados
  • Retargeting
  • Google CSS
Periodo de cookies
30 días
Política de palabras clave
EPC medio
0,36 CHF
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Program Description


Welcome to the partner program

Earn money easily with your website through the bonprix affiliate program.

bonprix is an international fashion company based in Hamburg, Germany. We are known for capturing the latest trends and translating them into inspiring fashion for different occasions, in many different styles and sizes. In Germany, bonprix is one of the largest fashion online shops and we are also very successful internationally. Our products are now available in more than 25 countries. This success makes bonprix one of the Otto Group's top-selling companies.


Facts about our affiliate program


We are always looking for publishers who identify with our fashion and can market it profitably on their websites.

Our dynamic attribution distributes commissions to publishers proportionally and pays them fairly.


What we offer our affiliates:

  • Up to 15% commission (individual agreements possible after consultation with account management team)*.
  • Commission calculated on net sales
  • Fair commission through dynamic attribution**.
  • 14 days cookie life
  • Personal contact for international affiliate program
  • Fast processing of requests
  • Diverse promotions
  • A wide variety of effective, high click-through and up-to-date creative from different categories
  • Daily optimized feeds
  • Up to 75 days processing time after cancellations and returns


Our standard commission model:


Publisher Categories
















Dynamic attribution at bonprix:


For each order, we look at the number of touch points across all online channels. The commission is calculated using a dynamic algorithm that takes into account factors such as purchase probability, session depth, position in the purchase process, etc. of the contact points in the customer journey. If you are the only touch point in the conversion path, you will receive the commission for the entire order value.

This attribution model benefits all advertising contacts involved in the purchase, as opposed to the last-cookie-wins principle.

The program has a very high direct conversion rate. Most sales are generated immediately due to the favorable product range.


What we do not accept in our affiliate program

  • Paid search (PPC rights)
  • CSS
  • Subnetworks
  • Retargeting
  • Display Advertising
  • New Coupon Sites


Are you exclusively on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok or other social media platforms? Then you can sign up through our influencer networks LTK, Stylink and Metapic.


Check out our terms and conditions here!


Still have questions? Then feel free to email us at




You can also find more information on important topics in our Q&A.



Q&A bonprix


What do I need to know when making a change of booking?

We need the bonprix customer number and the order date to be able to check the orders individually. Please do not send us customer names or e-mail addresses. For privacy reasons, we cannot search our systems for customer names or email addresses. Claims will only be accepted up to 6 months after the order date.


What does Session Freeze mean?

This means that a session for a tracking URL will be locked for 60 minutes. For example, in the case of an affiliate, it looks like this: When a user clicks on a link in one of our newsletters, that session is locked for 60 minutes. If the user comes to our shop during these 60 minutes, selects a product and looks for a coupon code or wants to redeem cashback points in the last step through one of our affiliates, this purchase will be attributed to the newsletter channel and not to the affiliate. Only if the customer clicks on an affiliate link after the 60 minutes and makes a purchase will the revenue be attributed to the affiliate.

This especially affects cashback sites. To prevent this, all cashback affiliates must add the following information to their sites so that customers know how to get their cashback points:


General tips for collecting points at bonprix:

- Do not visit other websites during the order process and do not redeem coupons or discounts from other websites.

- Points are usually only credited on the net order value of the purchase.

- No points can be credited for shipping costs, interest on installment purchases and redeemed coupons.

- Points are posted when the goods or services received are fully paid for and the return policy has expired - usually within 75 days of purchase.

- If the goods are returned or the service is not used, the points reserved are cancelled.


What is dynamic attribution?

For each order, we look at the number of touch points across all online channels. The commission is calculated using a dynamic algorithm that takes into account factors such as purchase probability, session depth, position in the purchase process, etc. of the touchpoints in the customer journey. If you are the only touch point in the conversion path, you receive the commission for the entire order value.

This attribution model benefits all advertising contacts involved in the purchase, as opposed to the last-cookie-wins principle.

The program has a very high direct conversion rate. Most sales are generated immediately due to the favorable product range.


Our Eligibility Criteria:

Publishers must always have a website with a masthead (exception: influencers), be of legal age and at least 18 years old.

The content of the website must be in the program language. (English for DE)

The website must be accessible. (no websites under construction)

The content of the website must not contain anything illegal or objectionable. (Pornography, illegal content, anorexia, politically motivated, gambling, pyramid schemes, etc.)

The target audience of the website must be compatible with bonprix.

Cashback: On cashback/reward sites, it must always be clear that the customer receives discounts or points from the website and not from bonprix.

The website must have its own content. (No mere aggregation of banners or other content).

Websites with long loading times will not be accepted.

Click coercion: Sites with click prompts or click coercion will not be accepted.

Redirection: A redirect to bonprix is only permitted if a visible, registered affiliate landing page has been set up for the user. Automatic and misleading redirects directly to bonprix are not permitted.

Subnetworks are not accepted.


Conditions of participation for the placement of advertising material for within the framework of the bonprix partner program 


 §1 Conclusion of contract 


A contract between bonprix and a partner for the placement of bonprix advertising material is concluded exclusively via the application process of the partner platform, in which the partner submits an offer to participate in the bonprix partner program and accepts these terms and conditions. The partner is not entitled to accept this offer or to conclude a contract with bonprix. The partner platform will inform the partner of his or her acceptance into the bonprix partner program.


§ 2 Subject matter


1) The subject matter of these terms and conditions is participation in the partner program and advertising on the following domains: by the partner as a publisher within the framework of the affiliate platform. bonprix makes a selection of advertising material available to the partner as an advertiser via the partner program for this purpose.


2) The partner is responsible for placing the bonprix advertising material on his website(s) registered in the bonprix partner program (hereinafter referred to as the "partner website"). The partner is free to decide whether and for how long to place the bonprix advertising material on the partner website. The partner is entitled to remove the bonprix advertising material at any time. 


3) bonprix reserves the right to amend these conditions at any time. The partner will be notified of any changes by e-mail. If the partner does not agree with the changes, he/she is entitled to inform bonprix of this within four weeks of receipt of the notification of change. If the partner does not notify bonprix within this period, the changes shall be deemed to have been accepted and shall take effect upon expiration of the period. bonprix shall draw the partner's attention to the significance of the four-week period in the notification of changes.



§ 3 Structure and Maintenance of the Partner Website


1) The Partner is provided with a selection of graphic and text links (hereinafter referred to as "links") via the Partner Platform for contract-specific use. The partner is responsible for placing the bonprix advertising material on his website(s) registered in the bonprix partner program. The partner is free to decide whether and for how long the bonprix advertising material is to be placed on the partner's website. The partner is entitled to remove the bonprix advertising material at any time.


2) The partner assures that cookies will only be set if an advertising medium provided by the bonprix partner program is visibly used on the partner website and a voluntary and conscious click is made by the user. The use of layers, add-ons, iFrames, pop-ups, pop-unders and post-view technology is generally not permitted and strictly prohibited.


Logging into adware networks is also prohibited. Orders generated by indicating to the user that bonus points or other additional rewards or bonuses can still be "taken" will not be tolerated and sales made in this manner will be canceled.  Only sales that have a legitimate origin resulting from a regular marketing activity on your website/advertising space will be compensated.


3) The use of forced clicks and paid mails is prohibited.


4) The links may only be integrated into the website whose address (URL) the partner specified when registering for the bonprix partner program. The links serve to identify the partner website within the bonprix partner network and to establish a connection from the partner website to the bonprix website. A connection to the bonprix website may only be established via these links. The links may refer to different areas of the bonprix website.


5) Operators of reimbursement systems with a monthly or annual fee may not participate in the bonprix partner program.

6) With regard to the technical setup and maintenance of the links, the partner must strictly follow the instructions for the installation of the links. To ensure correct billing, the partner may only use the links provided by bonprix.


7) The maintenance of the partner website is the sole responsibility of the partner. As long as the partner uses the bonprix links, he will regularly update the information and links in connection with bonprix products and delete outdated links and content, unless these are dynamically maintained or changed by bonprix. The partner is obliged to check his website at least once a week for any changes to the information and links. 



§ 4 Calculation of advertising revenue 


1) When calculating the advertising remuneration, only bonprix's income from sales of bonprix products to customers who have accessed the bonprix website immediately before the purchase via one of the links on the partner's website and who are coded as affiliate marketing by the tracking logic used by bonprix shall be taken into account. Such sales will be taken into account in the calculation of the advertising fee, provided that the sale, delivery and full payment of the goods have been completed, less returns, VAT and credit notes.


2) Payment of the advertising fee shall be made when the invoice has been paid by the Customer and the Customer's right of withdrawal has expired. In the event of complete or partial returns by the Customer, no or only a pro rata advertising fee shall be paid. In the mail-order business, it may take up to 11 weeks to order payment of the advertising fee, also due to the return period.


3) Orders placed by customers and employees of the bonprix Group who are entitled to commission are not included in the calculation of your advertising fee.


4) Income from our foreign companies is not taken into account when calculating the advertising fee. 


§ 5 Rights of use


(1) The Partner shall receive a non-exclusive, non-transferable right, which may be revoked at any time, to access the bonprix website via the agreed links. Exclusively in connection with such links, the Partner shall have the right to use the bonprix logo and other materials provided for the purpose of advertising the bonprix website. This right only applies for the purpose of creating links between the partner's website and the bonprix website that enable users to purchase bonprix products. The partner may not revise or modify the licensed material in any way. Any violation of the aforementioned agreements entitles bonprix to terminate the contract without notice.


(2) The rights under Section 5.1 expire upon the effective date of termination of this Agreement.


§ 6 Conditions of participation

1) The Partner is responsible for the content and the ongoing operation of its Partner Website and shall not, during the term of this Agreement, place any content there that violates applicable law, common decency or the rights of third parties. Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to, depictions of violence, sexual and pornographic content and images, misleading statements, or discriminatory content (e.g., based on gender, race, politics, religion, nationality, or disability).Such content may not be mentioned on the affiliate website itself, nor may the affiliate website link to such content on other websites.

2) The partner is prohibited from maintaining websites on the Internet that could be mistaken for the bonprix website. The partner may neither mirror nor adopt graphics, texts or other content from the bonprix website.

In particular, the impression must not be given that the partner website is a bonprix project or that its operator is economically connected to bonprix in a way that goes beyond the bonprix partner program and this contract. Any use of materials or content from the bonprix website and its logos or trademarks by the partner requires the prior written consent of bonprix.


The words "bonprix" or "" may not appear in the domain name or meta text of the partner website. The partner is not permitted to register characters similar to "bonprix" (e.g. typos) as domain names and/or to advertise via "Adsense".

Redirects to bonprix websites are prohibited.


3) Search engine marketing and other keyword-based advertising for the bonprix brand, bonprix misspelling and own brands is not permitted.


When advertising the partner website on advertising spaces in search engines or sponsored links, paid ad placements, keyword advertising, keyword targeting with providers such as Google, Bing, etc., the following must be observed


The words "bonprix" and "" may only be used with the written permission of bonprix. 


If permission has been granted by bonprix, the words "bonprix" and "" may only be used in the text of the advertisement, but not in the headline. The partner may only use the address (URL) as a visible URL in the advertisement that the partner has specified as part of his registration.


In case of domain change, see section 6.5.


Direct redirects to the bonprix website are not permitted. If bonprix has granted permission to bid on keywords in connection with bonprix, only keywords approved by bonprix may be bid on. Bidding on the keyword "bonprix" as well as word combinations and compounds with the words "shipping", "catalog", "store" and "de" (e.g. "bonprix shipping", "bonprixshipping", "bonprix catalog", "", "bonprixch", bonprix coupons, etc.) and similar spellings is not permitted.


By participating in the bonprix partner program, the partner agrees to register the keywords "bonprix" and "bon prix" as negative with the search engine providers. 

In the event of non-compliance with the aforementioned restrictions, bonprix is entitled to terminate the contract without notice and to cancel all commissions generated by these violations. The right to assert further claims for damages is expressly reserved.


4) The partner is not authorized to create or accept offers on behalf of bonprix or to represent bonprix.  The partner is only entitled to send e-mails advertising bonprix and/or bonprix products to end customers on behalf of bonprix or in his own name with the written consent of bonprix. The partner is not involved in the processing of sales contracts between bonprix and its end customers. The Partner will not act as a commercial agent or commission agent for bonprix. 


The Partner shall ensure that the design of the Partner Website does not give this impression. The Partner may not make any statements to third parties that could give such an impression.


5) The partner may only place the bonprix links on the website whose address (URL) he has specified as part of this registration. In the event of a change in the domain of the partner's website, a change in the content of the partner's website or a change in the commercial purpose of the partner's website, the partner must inform bonprix one month in advance. The continued placement of links under the new domain is permitted as long as bonprix does not object to this use.

The same applies in the event of a change in the content or commercial purpose of the partner website.


6) The partner operates its website independently, is responsible for its content in accordance with § 8 of the German Teleservices Act (TDDSG) and complies with the provisions and obligations of the German Teleservices Data Protection Act (TDDSG) (in particular, the partner is solely responsible for compliance with the relevant provisions of the TDDSG regarding the storage of cookies) and the German Data Protection Act (BDSG) and indemnifies bonprix from all claims that may arise for bonprix as a result of a violation of data protection laws for which the partner is responsible.

7) Commercial orders will not be compensated.


8) Advertising materials provided or approved for one affiliate segment may not be transferred to or used in another affiliate segment.


9) Orders placed through onestop shopping affiliates will not be compensated.


10) The partner may only advertise vouchers that bonprix has explicitly released for affiliates and/or communicated via partner newsletters. The advertising of other vouchers, e.g. from end customer newsletters, print advertisements or customer service contacts, is not permitted. 


Violations will result in the cancellation of all transactions. 


When advertising coupons, the affiliate will always state the terms and conditions for redeeming the coupon. This includes the offer itself, the activation date and, if applicable, the deactivation date. Sites that list discount codes must explicitly distinguish between deals/group deals/offers/sales and coupon codes. 


If a code has expired, it must be removed from the site or at least made clear that the code is no longer valid.

Simply stating the expiration date is not sufficient. 


The promotion of the coupon must comply with the law. The promotion must not be misleading. An advertisement is considered misleading if, contrary to the information on the website, no valid coupon codes appear. It is also misleading if the affiliate's website opens without prompting.


11) The partner must remove bonprix advertising material from the partner website immediately upon request by bonprix. 


12) Partner applications may not contain exclusively bonprix content. The use of print screens with the bonprix logo and/or bonprix CI/branding in the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Windows Store or other app platforms is not permitted. The partner app may not use bonprix as a keyword or in its description.

13) Only one order per session will be compensated. If a customer leaves the store within an active session and visits another affiliate site, the cookie set will not be overwritten and the marketing channel that first brought the customer to the store will receive the commission. 


14) The partner is not authorized to create, accept or present bonprix offers in social networks in the name of bonprix without prior approval. Furthermore, it is not permitted to place any form of advertising on such platforms that links directly to the bonprix website - either as plain text or in conjunction with the bonprix logo. 


In the event of an infringement, the affiliates concerned will be removed from the program on the basis of the partner link and there will be no entitlement to commissions generated in this way.

15) The partner is obliged to indemnify bonprix from any claims by third parties and the costs of defending against claims by third parties in connection with the creation, operation or maintenance of the partner website and the content for which the partner is responsible, unless the claims relate to the advertising material or product data provided by bonprix and the partner has complied with its obligation to update in accordance with § 4.7. The partner is also obliged to support bonprix in defending itself against such third-party claims by submitting declarations, in particular statutory declarations, and by providing other information. The partner shall refrain from all actions that impair the functionality of the software or the system (e.g. mail bombs, etc.) and shall be liable for all damages incurred by bonprix as a result of such actions by the partner.

16) Any violation of the program rules by a partner registered for the bonprix partner program can lead to immediate exclusion from the bonprix partner program without prior notice and to the cancellation of all pending sales. Further legal steps, in particular the assertion of claims for damages, are expressly reserved.



§ 7 Warranty and liability


1) bonprix operates its website within the scope of its technical capabilities. bonprix makes no assurances or guarantees with regard to the partner network, bonprix products or the error-free and uninterrupted usability of the bonprix website.


2) In the event of intent or gross negligence, including that of our legal representatives and vicarious agents, bonprix shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions. 


The same applies to culpably caused damages resulting from injury to life, body or health, to damages resulting from the absence of a warranted characteristic as well as in the case of fraudulently concealed defects. In the case of damage to property and financial losses caused by bonprix, its legal representatives or vicarious agents through slight negligence, bonprix is only liable in the event of a breach of a material contractual obligation, but the amount of liability is limited to the damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract and typical for the contract. Material contractual obligations are those whose fulfillment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose fulfillment the contracting parties regularly rely and may rely. Liability in accordance with the Product Liability Act remains unaffected. Liability on the part of bonprix is otherwise excluded.


§ 8 Confidentiality 


1) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or with the consent of the other party, all information, including but not limited to the terms of this Agreement, business and financial information, customer and supplier lists, and price and sales information, shall be treated as strictly confidential. Such confidential information may not be used by the other party either directly or indirectly for its own commercial purposes or for any other purpose.


2) Press releases concerning the cooperation based on this contract must be coordinated with bonprix and require the written consent of bonprix prior to publication.


3) This does not apply if such information is known or accessible to the general public through generally accessible sources that are not the sources of the respective party. Irrespective of this provision, each party is entitled to pass on a copy of such information if there is a corresponding court or administrative order, if the disclosure to accountants, lawyers or other obligated parties is on a confidential basis or if there is a legal obligation to do so.


 If you have any questions, the bonprix Affiliate Team is at your disposal at any time. Please contact us: 

bonprix Handelsgesellschaft mbH 

Status: June 2024