eFlorist UK 236409

eFlorist UK
Informacje o programie
eFlorist UK
GB Wielka Brytania
Zakupy i handel
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Url strony startowej

Krótki opis

The eFlorist Program: Having achieved enormous success within the flower retail sector since 1947, eFlorist (Previously Teleflorist), has long been a highly regarded and successful flower retail business. eFlorist is proud of its heritage and maintains the extremely high standards of practice that its customers have come to expect and can provide flower delivery to any address in the UK. eFlorist offer a wide range of products starting at just £14.95 and can also offer same day delivery if ordered by 3pm (Monday to Saturday) on the majority of their range. 10% minimum commission on any product ordered An affiliate conversion rate of over 15% An average basket value of over £35 Tradedoubler Product Feed A large selection of banners and email creative A dedicated UK affiliate manager who can provide bespoke banners, emails, landing pages & voucher codes.

Pokaż więcej

Prowizja segmentu General

eFlorist UK (GB)
New customer (eflorist)
New customer with voucher (eflorist)
Existing customer (eflorist)
Existing customer with voucher (eflorist)

Pokaż więcej

  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Okres plików cookie
7 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
0,80 GBP
Pokaż więcej



The eFlorist Program:
Having achieved enormous success within the flower retail sector since 1947, eFlorist (previously Teleflorist), has long been a highly regarded and successful flower retail business. eFlorist is proud of its heritage and maintains the extremely high standards of practice that its customers have come to expect and can provide flower delivery to any address in the UK. eFlorist offer a wide range of products starting at just £14.95 and can also offer same day delivery if ordered by 3pm (Monday to Saturday) on the majority of their range.

Affiliate Program Benefits and Features:

• 7 Day Cookie Duration
• 10% base payout
• 15% Conversion Rate
• AOV: £30
• Weekly promotions
• Publisher-specific links enabled
• Product Feed.
• A dedicated account manager who can create any bespoke banners, landing pages or voucher codes for your site

PPC policy: CLOSED

PPC policy: closed
PPC terms and conditions: Display URL
Display URL Affiliate agrees not to use the eFlorist brand name in the display URL or display copy in search engines.
• Example:www.AffiliateSite.com/AdvertiserName
You cannot include trademarks in the sub domain of the display URL's in your Search Engine Adverts
• Example:www.AdvertiserName.AffiliateSite.com
You cannot operate domains which contain trademarks for the sole purpose of driving traffic from Search Engines
• www.AdvertiserName.com
Ad Title
You are NOT allowed to use trademarks in your Ad Copy Body
• You are NOT allowed to show adverts on misspellings of advertiser's trademarks.
• You are NOT allowed to show adverts for a search on advertiser's Company Name and trademarks.
• You are NOT allowed to show adverts for a search on advertiser's Company Name or trademarks when also using generic terms. (i.e. Brand with Generic Terms)
• You are allowed to show adverts against advertiser's URL
• You are NOT allowed to show adverts against advertiser's URL or variations
• You are NOT allowed to show adverts on trademarks, or variations, of advertiser’s competitors
• You are NOT allowed to show adverts for generic terms when using a landing page
Negative keywords list/ Trademarks
• You are not allowed to show adverts for a straight search on these trademarked or excluded terms]

Mobile Information:

Tracks on mobile: [Yes]
Desktop site: [Yes]
Mobile site: [Yes]
Mobile app: [No]
App download tracking enabled: [No]
In-app transaction tracking enabled: [No]
Interstitial page in mobile journey (does the advertiser prompt app downloads when visiting mobile site): [No]

Technical Information:

Cookie period: [7 days]
Post-view cookie period: [n/a]
Container tag: [No]
Deduplication: [No]
Product level commissions: [No]
Product feed available: [Yes]

Accepted Traffic Types and Detail:

Program accepts cashback traffic: [Yes]
Program offers generic voucher codes: [Yes]
Program can offer exclusive voucher codes: [Yes]

Order Processing Information:

Returns policy: [ Please visit  http://www.eflorist.co.uk/terms-conditions-cn27 for further information on returns]
Transaction validation period: [35 days]
Transaction validation criteria: [Any cancelled or returned sales will to be deleted and commission will not be awarded.]
VAT and P&P: [No]
SEARCH POLICY  Yes/No ADDITIONAL INFO 1 Display URL     1.1 You can include trademarks in the sub folders of the display URL's in your Search Engine Adverts

www.AffiliateSite.com/AdvertiserName NO   1.2 You can include trademarks in the sub domain of the display URL's in your Search Engine Adverts

www.AdvertiserName.AffiliateSite.com NO   1.3 You can operate domains which contain trademarks for the sole purpose of driving traffic from Search Engines

www.AdvertiserName.com NO   2 Ad Title     2.1 You are allowed to use trademarks in your Ad Copy Title NO   3 Ad Text     3.1 You are allowed to use trademarks in your Ad Copy Body NO   4 Keywords     4.1 You are allowed to show adverts on misspellings of advertiser's trademarks. NO   4.2 You are allowed to show adverts for a search on advertiser's Company Name and trademarks. NO   4.3 You are allowed to show adverts for a search on advertiser's Company Name or trademarks when also using generic terms. (i.e. Brand with Generic Terms) NO   4.4 You are allowed to show adverts against advertiser's URL (e.g. www.emerchant.com) NO   4.5 You are allowed to show adverts against advertiser's URL or variations
www.emerchant.com, w.emerchant.com. ww.emerchant.com,etc…) NO   4.6 You are allowed to show adverts on trademarks, or variations, of advertiser’s competitors?

  NO   4.7 You are allowed to show adverts for generic terms when using a landing page. NO   5 Negative keywords list/ Trademarks     5.1 You are not allowed to show adverts for a straight search on these trademarked or excluded terms    Please see this spreadsheet for negative [EXACT] matches on all your paid for search campaigns.