DFDS 298695

Informacje o programie
DK Dania
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DFDS Affiliate Program DFDS - Færge- og krydstogtsoperatør DFDS udbyder færgeoverfarter, mini-krydstogter, storbyferier, tema-krydstogter og ferier i Nordeuropa og Baltikum. Vi sætter stor pris på et stærk affiliate-netværk, og vi tilbyder god kommision for hele året. Derudover, så holder vi vores partnere opdateret med regelmæssig, månedlig kommunikation.

Pokaż więcej

Prowizja segmentu General

Copenhagen > Oslo
Karlshamn > Klaipeda
Kappelskar > Paldiski
Paldiski > Hanko
Kiel – Klaipeda

Pokaż więcej

  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Okres plików cookie
45 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
0,00 DKK
Pokaż więcej
DFDS Affiliate Program
DFDS - Færge- og krydstogtsoperatør DFDS udbyder færgeoverfarter, mini-krydstogter, storbyferier, tema-krydstogter og ferier i Nordeuropa og Baltikum. Vi sætter stor pris på et stærk affiliate-netværk, og vi tilbyder god kommision for hele året. Derudover, så holder vi vores partnere opdateret med regelmæssig, månedlig kommunikation.
Kommision ( baseret på totalt ordrebeløb )

København – Oslo – 10%
De baltiske ruter – 7%
Cookie periode: 45 dage
Gennemsnitlig konverterings-rate: 5.64%
Gennemsnitlig ordrebeløb 800 DKK
EPC: 1,5 DKK

Vores affiliate partnere må ikke byde på brand-termer for DFDS. Hvis der bydes på disse kan dette medføre udelukkelse fra programmet. Hvis du planlægger at køre PPC kampagner, så venligst sikre dig at DFDS og DFDS Seaways er sat som broadmatch negative keywords


DFDS tilbyder en helt unik oplevelse til søs for alle gæster ombord og har fokus på et højt, international serviceniveau. DFDS blev grundlagt i 1866 og har leveret passager- og færgetjenester i mere end 152 år med en skibskapacitet, der anses for at være en af de største i Nordeuropa.
DFDS Affiliate program er for danske websider, som ønsker at promovere færgeruter fra Newcastle til Amsterdam, Dover til Dunkirk / Calais, København til Oslo, Kiel til Klaipeda, Sassnitz til Klaipeda og Karlshamn til Klaipeda. For at skabe de bedste kombinationsrejser samarbejder DFDS med en række kvalitetspartnere, såsom Legoland, Center Parcs Europe og Novasol Cottages. DFDS har vundet World Travel Award som Verdens Førende Færgeoperatør for 2011 -2018 og Europas førende operatør for 2012 - 2019

Bliv en DFDS Affiliate

DFDS tilbyder hele året produkter for en bred målgruppe. Vi belønner ligeledes vores affiliate partners gennem hele året med blandt andet dobbelt-kommission, rejse til Affilate Submit i Boston og mulighed for deltagelse i forskellige events. Derudover tilbyder vi et tæt samarbejde med henblik på at øge affiliate partners indtægt ved øget promovering af DFDS Alle partnere i DFDS-programmet kontaktes mindst en gang om måneden via e-mail med det nyeste reklamemateriale, produkter og tilbud plus generelle tilknyttede nyheder. DFDS har et udvalg af forskellige banner i mindst 4 forskellige størrelser til markedsføring af forskellige produkter. Disse er tilgængelige som GIF files og nogle kampagner inkludere Flash filer. Tekst links og deep linking er også tilladt
Allowed and not allowed publisher types:
  • Email marketing: restricted (after consultation)​
  • Cashback: restricted (after consultation)​
  • Vouchercode: restricted (after consultation)​
  • Company reviews: not allowed 
  • Browser add-ons: not allowed 
  • Low quality websites: not allowed 
  • Incentivized traffic/ clickfarms, where visitors are paid to view or click: not allowed 
  • Display/ programmatic/ automated Ad networks: not allowed 
  • Sub affiliate networks: not allowed 
  • Other (content, comparison, blog, social, etc..): allowed​
Keyword Policy
Registered affiliates are also welcome to buy non-brand search terms but must keep to the following programme guidelines.
  1. DFDS Seaways reserves the right to remove sales and commissions from any affiliate found in breach of the keyword bidding policy as set out below:
    1. DFDS Seaways affiliates MAY include trademarks in the sub folders of display URLs in PPC advertising (e.g. www.affiliatename.com/dfdsseaways)
    2. DFDS Seaways affiliates MAY show PPC adverts featuring generic terms (e.g. Amsterdam Ferry)
    3. DFDS Seaways affiliates MAY NOT include trademarks in the sub domain of display URLs in PPC advertising (e.g. www.dfdsseaways.affiliatename.com)
    4. DFDS Seaways affiliates MAY NOT operate domains which contain trademarks for the purpose of driving traffic from search engines (e.g. www.dfdsseawaysdeals.com)
    5. DFDS Seaways affiliates MAY NOT use trademarks in PPC ad copy titles or text
    6. DFDS affiliates MAY NOT show adverts using misspellings of trademarks, adverts coupling trademarks with generic terms or adverts using any DFDS URL or variation. DFDS affiliates MAY NOT also run any programmatic display campaigns external to their own platform using any DFDS branding or imagery. n.
  2. DFDS Seaways affiliates MAY NOT show PPC adverts for broad or exact searches or trademarked and excluded terms and must add these as negative keywords. They include, but are not limited to:
    • DFDS, DFDS Seaways, DFDS Lisco Line, DFDS Tor Line, DFDS Container Line, DFDS Suardiaz Line, DFDS Lys Line, SpeedCargo, Hallens, Seaways, Lisco Line, Tor Line, Container Line, Suardiaz Line, Lys Line or any obvious misspellings of these words (e.g. DDFS)
    • It is also prohibited to bid on broad or exact keyword searches relating to third parties with whom DFDS Seaways work. These terms include, but are not limited to:
      • Legoland, Center Parcs, Center Parcs Europe, Ibis, Croisi, Novasol, Danish Inns, Sun Parks, Marriott, Renaissance or any obvious misspellings of these words
    • It must always be clear that you are an affiliate and therefore you must not use DFDS in your URL. However, feel free to use the brand in your sub domain e.g. www.affiliate.co.uk/dfdsseaways
  3. DFDS Seaways encourages affiliates to bid on generic terms relating to our products such as mini cruise, short breaks, ferry etc
If you have any queries, please contact affiliatemarketing@dfds.com or call 0191 293 6272

Best of luck promoting DFDS Seaways!
DFDS Seaways

By Promoting DFDS Seaways Affiliates, you accept our terms and conditions, including but not limited to, the keyword bidding policy. Tradedoubler and DFDS Seaways Affiliates reserve the right to remove sales and commissions from any affiliate found in breach of this policy.

Exceptions for last click attribution
As affiliate, you will be compensated for direct affiliate. Please note that DFDS generic search SEO, SEM, SoME, newsletter, club M, onsite competitions and similar sales will overwrite all affiliate sales and will be denied/cancelled according to their pending policy. No commission/compensatiion will be paid to publishers when traffic passes through these sources, regardless of who has the last click. Please contact us if you are unsure.

SEARCH POLICY   ADDITIONAL INFO 1 Display URL     1.1 You can include trademarks in the sub folders of the display URL's in your Search Engine Adverts


YES   1.2 You can include trademarks in the sub domain of the display URL's in your Search Engine Adverts


NO   1.3 You can operate domains which contain trademarks for the sole purpose of driving traffic from Search Engines


NO   2 Ad Title     2.1 You are allowed to use trademarks in your Ad Copy Title

NO   3 Ad Text     3.1 You are allowed to use trademarks in your Ad Copy Body

NO   4 Keywords     4.1 You are allowed to show adverts on misspellings of advertiser's trademarks.

NO   4.2 You are allowed to show adverts for a search on advertiser's Company Name and trademarks.

NO   4.3 You are allowed to show adverts for a search on advertiser's Company Name or trademarks when also using generic terms. (i.e. Brand with Generic Terms)

NO   4.4 You are allowed to show adverts against advertiser's URL (e.g. www.emerchant.com)

NO   4.5 You are allowed to show adverts against advertiser's URL or variations
www.emerchant.com, w.emerchant.com. ww.emerchant.com,etc…)

NO   4.6 You are allowed to show adverts on trademarks, or variations, of advertiser’s competitors?

  NO   4.7 You are allowed to show adverts for generic terms when using a landing page.

YES   5 Negative keywords list/ Trademarks     5.1 You are not allowed to show adverts for a broad or exact search on these trademarked or excluded terms:

Brand Related Terms – DFDS, DFDS Seaways, DFDS Lisco Line, DFDS Tor Line, DFDS Container Line, DFDS Suardiaz Line, DFDS Lys Line, SpeedCargo, Halléns, Seaways, Lisco Line, Tor Line, Container Line, Suardiaz Line, Lys Line or any obvious misspelling of these words e.g. ddfs

It is also prohibited to bid on keywords related to third parties with whom we work. These keywords include:

Legoland, Center Parcs, Center Parcs Europe, Ibis, Croisi, Novasol, Danish Inns, Sun Parks, Marriott and Renaissance or any obvious misspelling of these words