SOS - Sportswear of Sweden 303386

SOS - Sportswear of Sweden
Informacje o programie
SOS - Sportswear of Sweden
FR Francja
Moda, Sport i rekreacja
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Krótki opis

Over thirty years ago, a group of passionate Swedish skiers decided to make the finest skiwear in the world, called SOS, Sportswear of Sweden. Their motivation was high and their mission was clear: “There may be hundreds of manufacturers of ski clothing that sell several times the amount of clothes than SOS. This is how it should be. But if there is just one manufacturer anywhere in the world who makes better skiwear than we do, then we’ve done a bad job.” Skiwear for skiers by skiers Since 1982.

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Prowizja segmentu General

  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Polityka słów kluczowych
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0,00 €
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SOS Sportswear of Sweden

Over thirty years ago, a group of passionate Swedish skiers decided to make the finest skiwear in the world, called SOS, Sportswear of Sweden. Their motivation was high and their mission was clear:

“There may be hundreds of manufacturers of ski clothing that sell several times the amount of clothes than SOS. This is how it should be. But if there is just one manufacturer anywhere in the world who makes better skiwear than we do, then we’ve done a bad job.”

Skiwear for skiers by skiers Since 1982.

Faithful to our concept of innovating the SOS Sportswear Brand, being one of the most notorious and recognizable Labels, SOS shall constantly keep up flirting with the unknown in order to animate us to deliver on our promise to challenge and inspire our customers

About us

Program Benefits
• New collections available frequently thouh out the season, such as Star Wars x SOS Co-Lab, AUTUMN WINTER 2020 in store, and SOS X GRAND STUDIO AW20 Co-Lab soon to come.
• Fast delivery
• Free shipping
• High OV basket

Launch: 16%. Valid for sales completed before 29th of February 2020
After 29th of February 2020: 12%

Keyword policy
SOS sportswear of Sweden has a restricted keyword policy. We do not allow brand bidding, but we allow bidding on specific product names.

Cookie Period
SOS sportswear of Sweden has a cookie time of 30 days.

Media bank - Here you have access to a lot of campaigns, lifestyles, runway and packshots, of current and past seasons. In addition, you can always contact us if you should need anything else.
Just create a login and you will be given access right away to the media bank.

Please note you have to add the Tradedoubler tracking manually if you use the media bank. You can retrieve a text link for tracking as usual.

The SOS Sportswear of Sweden affiliate team
Closed keyword policy.