Haglöfs 306623

Informacje o programie
FI Finlandia
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Krótki opis

Haglöfs Haglöfs valmistaa vaatteita, kenkiä ja varusteita aktiivisesta ulkoiluelämästä kiinnostuneille. Yhtiö perustettiin Ruotsissa vuonna 1914 ja on kasvanut pienestä reppuvalmistajasta yhdeksi maailman johtavista teknisten ja kestävien ulkoilutuotteiden valmistajista, kiitos modernin tuotekehityksen ja strategisen jakelun. Yli 100 vuoden kokemuksella ulkoilusta, brändi edustaa korkeaa laatua ja luotettavuutta, ja palkintoja satelee usein suunnittelusta ja innovaatiosta.

Pokaż więcej

Prowizja segmentu General

  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Okres plików cookie
30 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
1,35 €
Pokaż więcej
Haglöfs valmistaa vaatteita, kenkiä ja varusteita aktiivisesta ulkoiluelämästä kiinnostuneille.

Yhtiö perustettiin Ruotsissa vuonna 1914 ja on kasvanut pienestä reppuvalmistajasta yhdeksi maailman johtavista teknisten ja kestävien ulkoilutuotteiden valmistajista, kiitos modernin tuotekehityksen ja strategisen jakelun.

Yli 100 vuoden kokemuksella ulkoilusta, brändi edustaa korkeaa laatua ja luotettavuutta, ja palkintoja satelee usein suunnittelusta ja innovaatiosta.
Advantages to publishers
  • 6% Commission
  • 30 days cookie period
Haglöfs offers you
  • 30 days return policy (14 days for articles on sale)
  • Smooth and quick shipping
  • Free shipping over 50 EUR
More information

Images, texts and links:
If you are actively working with your affiliate program, we recommend that you download images of products from our website. Post the image on your website, write a text about the product and link to it via Tradedoubler. You can also use regular text links.

Product feed:

Publisher Information:
Reward Sites / Loyalty / Cashback: Yes
Discount Code Sites / Vouchers: No
CSS: Contact us for more information.

Keyword Policy:
Haglöfs has a closed keyword policy. This means that you as an affiliate may not use keywords to drive sales. This applies to all keywords, ie. both brand-related and generic words. The brand and various forms of spelling of this should be stated as negative keywords.

Haglöfs make the assessment of your website and set the criteria for which you are approved or rejected. In general, websites that contain pornography, racism or artificial traffic are not approved.

Advertising rules:
It is important that you follow Tradedoubler and Haglöfs' rules for advertising. If this is not done, we may suspend the collaboration and remove the earned earnings.

Cheating means breaking the rules for advertising as you see below, it can also be that e.g. drive traffic from a site other than the one registered. We will also investigate whether we see several purchases from the same IP address.

The terms you agree to when advertising for Haglöfs are in addition to Tradedoubler's affiliate agreement the following:

Advertising material:
The ads in the program are the ones to be used, own graphics may be created but then you must email us to get approved. You are welcome to create your own text links with editorial content and tips.

General codes / offers:
It is permitted to market general codes and offers available at https://www.haglofs.com/, but it is forbidden to use codes from Haglöfs' own channels such as newsletters, SoMe, etc. If you are unsure of what is allowed, it is important that you get in touch before you publish, as this can otherwise lead to you being suspended from the program.

We would like you to use Haglöfs in newsletters.

Direct link:
It is allowed to link directly to different products / brands / offers.

Validation /pending period: 70 days.
Haglöfs have a manual duplication procedure in place and have the right to decline any orders that should be attributed to another paid channel. For more information, please contact program responsible AM.

If you have any questions or are hesitant about what is allowed, email us.

In addition, Tradedoubler's affiliate agreements that are approved upon registration apply.

Cookie Period

30 days

Accepted publishers
Cashback  Price comparison  Loyalty  Blogs/Content sites  Shopping portals  Student portals  
Closed keyword policy.