Tamaris NL 306955

Tamaris NL
Informacje o programie
Tamaris NL
NL Holandia
Moda, Zakupy i handel
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Krótki opis

Tamaris Schoenliefde is ware liefde - bij Tamaris vinden vrouwen die geïnteresseerd zijn in mode en georiënteerd zijn op lifestyle alles wat hun hartje begeert. Een grote keuze aan schoenen, accessoires en kleding voor elke gelegenheid. Profiteer als affiliate van merkbekendheid, hoge orderwaardes en 6% commissie!  

Pokaż więcej

Prowizja segmentu General

Tamaris Sale
  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Okres plików cookie
30 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
2,21 €
Pokaż więcej

If you are not respecting the following restrictions, you may lose all rights to commissions that would otherwise be incurred during the period of non-compliance. In this case we also reserve the right to terminate the partnership without notice.

1) SEM (search engine marketing):

The protected terms TAMARIS, HEART & SOLE, FASHLETICS and PURERELAX and all

other trademarks belonging to us may not be used, either in the original or in a modified form (e.g. abbreviations, misspellings or combinations

with other terms) as a keyword for search and content advertising on search engines or third-party shopping portals such as Google, Bing, AOL,

and others. This includes the optimization of your website by using or brand names and trademarks (SEO) as the bidding on protected brand names and trademarks on search engines (SEA).

Search arbitrage is strictly prohibited.

2) Cybersquatting Policy:

Directing web traffic directly or indirectly to our website from misspelled URLs - so-called "fat finger domains" or "typosquatters" -
is not allowed. A "fat-finger domain" exists if the URL uses spelling mistakes of any of our brand names and trademarks.

It is forbidden for the partner to use our brand names or trade marks as part of his top level or sub-domain (e.g. tamaris.yourdomain.de). It is not allowed to make the visitor believe that he is on an official Tamaris website because the layout or content of the partner website is very similar to that of the Tamaris website.

3) Email:

E-mail advertising or other electronic messages (including text or SMS messages) are prohibited without express written permission. This includes mentioning TAMARIS or one of our trademarks in the subject, sender's name or content area of the e-mail, as well as displaying articles and linking to the Tamaris website.

 4) Other prohibited advertising tools
  • No popups / pop under
  • No Blind Networks
  • No Universal cart : Publishers have to redirect the users on TAMARIS checkout directly.
  • No toolbars : Any Cashback applications downloadable on user’s browser are forbidden. Please remove TAMARIS from your toolbar
  • No downloadable software
  • Only orders deemed to be genuine personal customers’ orders will be approved. 

If these rules are disregarded, the generated commissions will be declined..