Strawberry 318461

Informacje o programie
GB Wielka Brytania
Data startu
Url strony startowej

Krótki opis

Strawberry is a portal to a wide variety of hotels, meetings, restaurants and spas, as well as providing great benefits and rewards for our members. With over 225 hotels across the Nordics, we offer hotel brands such as Comfort Hotel®, Quality Hotel™, Clarion Hotel® and Clarion Collection® Hotel, and in addition more than 40 independent hotels. Through our app and website, you as a member get access to our universe of experiences, with our promise to make life more fun, meaningful and exciting. More to explore at

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Prowizja segmentu General

Gift cards
Independent hotels

Pokaż więcej

  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Warunki publikacji


  • Search
  • Porównywarki cenowe
  • Zamknięte grupy odbiorców
  • Listy mailingowe
  • Strony tematyczne
  • Video
  • Cashback i Loyality
  • Kupony/Kody rabatowe
  • Podsieci
  • Wtyczki przeglądarkowe
  • Aplikacje mobilne
  • Offline
  • Retargeting
  • Inne
  • Influencerzy
  • Onsite Optimisation
  • CSS
  • Reklamy display

Rozpatrywane indywidualnie


Okres plików cookie
30 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
12,69 GBP
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Keyword policy:
You are not allowed to buy traffic on the brand or any other brand names that belong to the Strawberry-chain.

Buying competitors' trademarks and / or hotel names to link to Strawberry is not permitted.
See the list of keywords that are NOT allowed to bid on and that must be set as "negative keywords ":


Strawberry hotels 



Strawberries hotel


Strawberry – More to explore

Strawberry is an entry portal to a wide variety of hotels, meetings and conferences, restaurants and spas, where members can enjoy benefits and exciting opportunities. Through our app and website, you as a member get access to our universe of experiences across the Nordics, with our promise to make life more fun, meaningful and exciting.


This is our story

Over 25 years ago, our journey commenced with one single hotel. Today we count 17 000 employees and over 225 hotels at more than 100 destinations across the Nordics. Our portfolio contains both well-known chains and unique independent hotels to allow you as a guest to choose among anything ranging from modern low-cost hotels to world renowned luxury resorts.

We are passionate about experiences – anything from small details that make you fall in love with a city all over again, to a personal welcome letter in your room upon checking in at your favourite hotel. With our amazing employees, we have built one of the best and most diversified hotel companies in the Nordics, with a clear vision to push for change and to have room for all.

Strawberry marks the start of something new, something beyond the hospitality industry. A universe of experiences With more than 225 hotels, bars, cafés, restaurants, social spaces, gyms and spas, we create thousands of unique experiences every single day. By becoming Strawberry, we will concentrate even more on what we do best: creating exciting and memorable experiences in an innovative and sustainable way.

Our ambition is to create an ecosystem of experiences across the Nordics, and combine them with even more external partners and benefits. That is what Strawberry is ultimately about – a universe of experiences!


We collaborate with Tradedoubler to ensure the quality of the collaboration with our partners online. As a neutral third party, Tradedoubler verifies and compiles all transactions and sales that take place via your links to
Through Tradedoubler, you get access to statistics on what results your website has generated for, as well as the balance of how much commission you earned during the period. Payment is made from Tradedoubler directly to your account. More information on this can be found on their website.
After approval from Strawberry, you can start making money on your site.

Strawberry validates bookings according to the "ValidOn" -principal, instead of 365 days pending time that is normal for hotels. This means that validation of orders takes place after the guest has their stay and as a publisher, you don’t need to wait more than necessary for your payout.

Restricted keyword policy info
Strawberry has a limited keyword policy. You are not allowed to buy traffic on brand Strawberry or any other brand names that belong to the Strawberry-chain.
Buying competitors' trademarks and / or hotel names to link to Choice is not permitted.