Irish Ferries DE 324843

Irish Ferries DE
Informacje o programie
Irish Ferries DE
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Irish Ferries is the largest ferry operator on the Irish Sea and is a market leader in transporting cars, vehicles and passengers on routes between Ireland, Britain and France. We are one of the most respected travel brands and have been voted 'Best Ferry Company' for several years running by travel professionals in both Ireland and the UK. (See for latest wins!). In 2019, we carried over 1.5 million passengers and 401,300 passenger vehicles per annum, on a network of five routes, and up to 17 daily sailings between Britain and Ireland, and Ireland and France.

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Prowizja segmentu General

New Customers
  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Okres plików cookie
7 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
0,04 €
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Welcome to the Irish Ferries Affiliate Programme!

We are the leading ferry company selling travel to Ireland from Britain and the Continent...and selling travel from Ireland to Britain, and Ireland to France.

Join today and start promoting!  Enjoy high conversions, competitive commissions and strong earnings per click! As part of a major irish plc, your business is safe with us.

We welcome those publishers who produce quality travel and lifestyle content targeting consumers in the British, Irish, French, German, Italian, Belgian and Dutch markets.

(Please note that unfortunately, at present, we are not interested in increasing our distribution through voucher, coupon or discount offer sites). And if you are offering exclusive coverage in our travel space, then we're really keen to work with you.

Information about Irish Ferries:

Irish Ferries is the largest ferry operator on the Irish Sea and is a market leader in transporting cars, vehicles and passengers on routes between Ireland, Britain and France.

We are one of the most respected travel brands and have been voted 'Best Ferry Company' for several years running by travel professionals in both Ireland and the UK. (See for latest wins!).

In 2019, we carried over 1.5 million passengers and 401,300 passenger vehicles per annum, on a network of five routes, and up to 17 daily sailings between Britain and Ireland, and Ireland and France..

Products & Services:

Irish Ferries offers competitive commissions on the gross basket value across all bookings for directly booked motorist vehicle traffic (i.e. cars), to and from Ireland, Britain and France.

Irish Ferries operates the following routes:

  • Irish Sea:  Dublin - Holyhead - Dublin - with a choice of 2 cruise ferries and a season exclusive fast ferry service
  • Irish Sea:  Rosslare - Pembroke - Rosslare
  • Continental:  Dublin - Cherbourg (Normandy, France).

Irish Ferries promotes to its three main consumer markets (Ireland, Britain & France) and affiliates should drive traffic to the relevant pages of the primary transactional site:

We also welcome publishers who specialise in producing quality travel content, targeting the French, German, Dutch, Belgian and Italian markets.

Creative Linking Tools:

  1. Promotional Text Links

There is a wide selection of promotional text links within the Irish Ferries account to choose to promote from.

  1. Animated gif banners:

Irish Ferries supplies an extensive range of banners in a variety of sizes to choose from to accommodate most sites.

They supply the following formats as animated gifs:

  • 125 x 125
  • 468 x 60
  • 300 x 250
  • 120 x 600

Commission Structure:

Irish Ferries offers a competitive two-tier commission structure, with the objective of generating incremental traffic and new business to our business. Thus, we pay a higher commission rate of 5% (gross basket value) for a successfully checked-in motorist (car) booking made by a new customer (i.e..: first time booker with Irish Ferries), and a more modest 2% commission (gross basket value) for a successfully checked-in motorist (car) booking made by a customer with an existing booking history.

Commissions are paid out on a travelled journey with approximately 80% of customers booking and travelling within 30 days.  

For those who do not travel within 30 days, Irish Ferries will pay commissions to affiliates once the customers have successfully checked-in and travelled.

Please Note:

As we wish to develop a positive and commercially rewarding partnership with our affiliates, we'd like to draw your attention to several activities which we strongly feel are not in the spirit of this agreement:

  • Cross matching and/or bidding on 'Irish Ferries' brand terms is strictly prohibited.
  • Irish Ferries reserve the right to offer the lowest fare for its services at all times. Thus, discounting or underselling on Irish Ferries online fares ( in any manner, whether promoted or not, is unacceptable. 
  • And,,, and cross-track.


We are happy to offer attractive commission rates on sales of all motorist traffic (all passenger and non-commercial vehicles) that travels with us, but at present not on sales of products including an element supplied by a 3rd party (including bookings paid with Tesco Clubcard tokens, rail & sail or inclusive holiday packages, or on sales originating from markets outside of UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Italy.  


Thanks for reading this. We look forward to working with you to grow our business, in a mutually beneficial way.

If you have any comments or queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact me at: marketing[at]

Happy selling.

The team at Irish Ferries

We are happy to offer attractive commission rates on sales of all motorist traffic (all passenger and non-commercial vehicles) that travels with us, but at present not on sales of products including an element supplied by a 3rd party (including bookings paid with Tesco Clubcard tokens, rail & sail or inclusive holiday packages, or on sales originating from markets outside of UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Italy.

Irish Ferries Affiliate Programme
The objective of this programme is to partner with publishers of quality travel and lifestyle online content in the British, Irish and French consumer markets, to enable Irish Ferries to broaden its online reach and to generate incremental traffic on its sea routes between Ireland, Britain and France.
Trading Terms & Conditions:
1. Promoting Irish Ferries:
The use of Irish Ferries’ trademarks or brand material / assets must be limited to the creative and text supplied by Irish Ferries through the interface and the network. Any other use is not permitted unless prior permission has been granted by Irish Ferries.
1.1. Keyword Bidding (terms):
Publishers are NOT permitted to bid on the ‘Irish Ferries’ term or any variant.
Publishers are NOT permitted to negatively match against Irish Ferries brand terms.
1.2. Display URLs:
Publishers are NOT permitted to use the word Irish Ferries in their display URLs.
Publishers are NOT permitted to use misspellings, or variants of brand or trading names.
1.3. Landing Pages:
Note that ALL clicks must first land on the publisher’s site, and the user must click from the publisher’s site to Irish Ferries at, and then to the approved landing page:
• UK partners:
• ROI partners:
Clicks must never land directly on
Overlays and masked URLs are NOT permitted.
Direct linking is not permitted to Irish Ferries.
1.4. Coupons, Vouchers or Promotion codes:
Irish Ferries will work with its publishers to promote special offers, and trading fares on all its routes on the explicit understanding that the cheapest Irish Ferries fare can only be booked at This minimum sales value policy is a critical requirement of participation in the Irish Ferries affiliate programme.
The Irish Ferries website MUST offer the lowest fare for an Irish Ferries ferry route crossing in all instances.
Publishers are not permitted to discount a fare on any Irish Ferries service through either obvious, cashback, rebate or any other implicit or explicit mechanism.
The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and its affiliate marketing council (AMC) have established a code of best practice for the use of online Voucher Codes. Please adhere to this when promoting Irish Ferries. In addition to the IAB’s code of conduct, Irish Ferries has set out the following provisions for the use of promotion codes and offer promotion.
An unauthorised coupon/promotion code is a code that hasn’t been communicated via your account manager. This includes all coupons that take the form of AAA###BBB### (three letters, three numbers, three letters, three numbers) or any other coupon/promotion code.
Publishers must not feature any unauthorised coupon/promotion codes, nor must publishers cite a URL to that coupon/promotion code anywhere on their website.
Irish Ferries will decline commissions on all orders when an unauthorised or expired promotion code has been used and be subject to the penalties detailed below.
1.5. Email Marketing Campaigns:
Email marketing (solus campaigns) must be submitted to Irish Ferries for approval.
2. When things go wrong:
2.1 If Irish Ferries is at fault, we will endeavour to rectify the situation as soon as is practically feasible.
2.2. If a publisher breeches any of these clauses, the account(s) of the publisher concerned will be suspended pending investigation for a period of 7 days. Any commissions due for the period of 7 days in advance of the suspension will be declined. Irish Ferries reserve the right to authorise a re-instatement of the publisher account or to terminate the publishers commission agreement.
3. Disputed transactions:
3.1 Affiliates must raise commission queries via normal channels within seven days of an expected payment.
Programme Terms & Conditions:
1. As part of the Irish Ferries affiliate programme, you are bound to the following agreement in which “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Irish Ferries and “you”, “your” and “yours” refers to the affiliate publisher(s).
2. We reserve the right to cancel any new or existing affiliate partnerships if we determine your site is unsuitable for our program, including if it:
• Promotes illegal activities
• Promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, age or disability
• Promotes violence
• Promotes sexually explicit materials
• Incorporates materials which infringe copyright, trademark or intellectual property rights
• Includes “Irish Ferries” or variations or misspellings in its domain name
• Contains software that enables diversion of commission from other affiliates
• Resembles the Irish Ferries website in a way that may mislead customers
1. Affiliates must use banner creatives and tracking codes provided by Irish Ferries for us to accurately track customer data and commissions.
2. Irish Ferries reserves the right to review creative placement at any time and approve the use of links. Irish Ferries may require existing placements to be changed or removed.
3. It is your responsibility to ensure you have express permission to use any copyrighted material (whether it be writing, imagery, video or sound). We are not responsible if you use copyrighted material or other intellectual property in violation or the law or any third-party rights.
4. We have the right to monitor your site at any time to determine if you are following the terms and conditions of this agreement. We may notify you of any changes to you site which we recommend and supply appropriate links to our website.
5. Irish Ferries reserves the right to terminate this agreement and your participation in the Irish Ferries affiliate programme without notice should fraudulent or abusive behaviour be detected. If such fraud or abuse is detected, Irish Ferries shall not be liable for any commission on fraudulent sales.
6. This agreement will begin upon our acceptance of your affiliate application and will continue unless terminated.
7. Irish Ferries may end this agreement at any time with or without cause by giving the other party written notice in the form of mail or email.
8. Irish Ferries may modify any of the terms and conditions in this agreement at any time at our sole discretion. In such an event, you may be notified by email or by communication through Tradedoubler. Modifications may include, but are not limited to, changes in the payment procedures and commission levels. Your continued participation in the Irish Ferries affiliate programme following the posting of the change notice will indicate your agreement to the changes.
9. Irish Ferries uses the affiliate network Tradedoubler to handle all tracking and payment. Please review the network terms and conditions for agreements relating to payments.
10. Irish Ferries will not be liable to you with respect to any subject matter of this agreement under any contact, negligence, tort, strict liability or other legal or equitable theory for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages.
11. All confidential information, including, but not limited to, any business, technical, financial and customer information, disclosed during the effective term if this agreement will remain the sole property of the disclosing party and each party will keep in confidence and not use or disclose such proprietary information of the other party without express written permission.
12. You agree you are an independent contractor and nothing in this agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise or employment relationship between you and Irish Ferries.
13. You may not amend or waive any provision of this agreement unless in writing and signed by both parties. The agreement represents the entire agreement between you and Irish Ferries and shall supersede all prior agreements and communications, oral or written.
14. If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent necessary such that the intent of the parties is effectuated, and the remainder of this agreement shall have full force and effect.
15. By promoting Irish Ferries, you accept our terms and conditions, including but not limited to, our keyword bidding and minimum sales value policies. Affiliate Window and Irish Ferries reserve the right to remove sales and commissions from any affiliate found in breach of this policy.
To contact Irish Ferries directly regarding the affiliate programme and/or agreement, please email
Irish Ferries. Registered in Dublin, Ireland (No. 9344). Registered Office, Ferryport, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1, D01 W2F5, Ireland.

Please Note:

As we wish to develop a positive and commercially rewarding partnership with our affiliates, we'd like to draw your attention to several activities which we strongly feel are not in the spirit of this agreement:

  • Cross matching and/or bidding on 'Irish Ferries' brand terms is strictly prohibited.
  • Irish Ferries reserve the right to offer the lowest fare for its services at all times. Thus, discounting or underselling on Irish Ferries online fares ( in any manner, whether promoted or not, is unacceptable. 
  • And,,, and cross-track.