PMT Online 328361

PMT Online
Informacje o programie
PMT Online
GB Wielka Brytania
Media i rozrywka
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Krótki opis

At PMT our mission is to help people Play Music Today. The instruments we sell. The advice we give. The experience we offer. The community of musicians we are building. Do it today. Because creating a world full of music is way too important to put off until tomorrow. Play Music Today.

Pokaż więcej

Prowizja segmentu General

  • Kody rabatowe
  • Banery
  • Linki tekstowe
  • Niestandardowy html
  • DeepLinking
Okres plików cookie
30 dni
Polityka słów kluczowych
Średni EPC
0,00 GBP
Pokaż więcej
At PMT our mission is to help people Play Music Today. We are building a community of like-minded people who want to fill the world with music. Artists and creatives who want to come together, no matter if they’re global superstars or complete beginners, to feel the inspiration, excitement, and delight that only music can bring.

Every morning we remind ourselves of our role in this. The instruments and equipment we sell. The advice we give. The experience and service we offer. Do it today. Because creating a world full of music, and our role in making that happen, is way too important to put off until tomorrow.

By being part of the PMT Affiliate Program, you can expect:
From 2% commission on all validated sales.
30 Day Cookie Period
Exclusive Promotions and Discounts
Weekly Email Updates
Access to Creative Imagery
Strong Conversion Rates
Regular Commission Payments
Support from our Marketing Team
Real time of visibility of all tracked sales

From 2% commission on Instruments, Equipments & Software
From 2% commission on all Accessories
From 2% commission on all other sales

Publishers approved:
Discount Code
Sub Networks
Loyalty & Rewards
Price Comparison
Commission is paid on total order value excluding VAT and shipping costs
PMT sales are validated monthly, 30 days following the end of the calendar month in which they are earned. Commissions will be declined on any cancelled orders, and commissions will be amended on any part returned orders. Cashback wont be available on products ordered through V12 finance.
Programme Rules
Please note the below rules in relation to the PMT Affiliate Programme. They must be followed at all times, unless prior agreement has been made with PMT or their marketing team in writing.
General Restrictions
Affiliates must not include trademark brand terms in the sub-domain of their website's URL. For example,
Affiliates must not purchase or own any domain names related to the trademark terms and its variants in the URL. For example,
Affiliates may use correctly spelt PMT trademarked brand terms after the domain of their website's URL. For example,
Our brand is very important to us, so please make sure you always refer to us as PMT, PMT Online or
Pay Per Click
We invest heavily in search engine advertising and we, therefore, impose the below restrictions. Any infringement of these rules may see the affiliate suspended and all commissions removed.
Affiliates are not permitted to bid on any trademarked brand terms related to "PMT Online" or "PMT". For the avoidance of doubt, this includes all mis-spellings and variations.
No unauthorised bidding is allowed on trademark brand + discount-related search terms. For example, "pmt discount codes", or "pmt online voucher"
Discount Codes
We reserve the right to withhold payment of commission if unauthorised voucher codes are used in an affiliate sale. We appreciate that customers may use voucher codes that they have found via a site other than that which is awarded the sale and this will be investigated before decisions on commission payment are made. Any affiliate found to be displaying unauthorised codes may also have their commission set to zero until the code(s) are removed. PMT follows a de-duping validation process, rewarding the commission to the "last click" of purchase. PMT has the right to decline commissions competing in another marketing source.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed, and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this due date unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme. Please also ensure that you observe IAB voucher code best practice guidelines.

Brand names will be below offering default 5% CPA.
• Ferndale
• Antiquity
• Trumix
• Tourtech
• Big Top